Technical Center Creuzburg

Using wood from regional sustainable forestry as a building material is an important contribution to active climate protection. Pollmeier Massivholz GmbH & Co. KG is a pioneer in the development of high-performance wooden materials. In the Technical center at the company's headquarters in Creuzburg, the world’s first beech veneer plywood (BauBuche) is further optimized by its own research team; there are also research collaborations with various colleges and universities.





gross floorspace 685 m2

Pollmeier Massivholz GmbH & Co. KG, Creuzburg

structural engineering
Jörg van Kann, Frankfurt

building services engineering
HKL Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH, Erfurt

fire protection concept
Hagen Ingenieurgesellschaft für Brandschutz mbH, Kleve

Cornelsen+Seelinger Architekten


Using wood from regional sustainable forestry as a building material is an important contribution to active climate protection. Pollmeier Massivholz GmbH & Co. KG is a pioneer in the development of high-performance wooden materials. In the Technical center at the company's headquarters in Creuzburg, the world’s first beech veneer plywood (BauBuche) is further optimized by its own research team; there are also research collaborations with various colleges and universities.

In addition to water and sunlight, all green plants also need carbon dioxide (CO2). They extract large quantities of this gas from the atmosphere during the day, store the carbon in their plant mass and release the oxygen that is so important to us. CO2 is a so-called greenhouse gas and is to a large extent responsible for climate change.

It is therefore logical to use wood in large dimensions as a building material: The greenhouse gas remains bound in the wood products, at the same time new wood grows in the forest on the released area. Unlike the (only “CO2 neutral”) use as firewood, the CO2 remains withdrawn from the atmosphere for the entire lifespan of the wood product. In addition, other building materials are replaced that are significantly more harmful to the climate, both in their manufacture and in their disposal.

Transparency determines the atmosphere in the new Technical center: The design department, conference rooms, workshops and laboratories open up to the adjacent company-owned landscape park on a small river. The inviting character of the building encourages communication between employees and visitors and forms an important connection point on the company site between the administration and production building.

The pavilion-like building shows the subject of research directly in application: All load-bearing walls – as a frame, solid and rib construction – consist of BauBuche. The roof structure is also composed of a folded construction made of BauBuche. The folding of the roof structure visible in the interior results from a special geometric division of the construction panel and shapes the appearance of the building. Visitors and employees experience the performance of the new material on site every day.

Using wood from regional sustainable forestry as a building material is an important contribution to active climate protection. Pollmeier Massivholz GmbH & Co. KG is a pioneer in the development of high-performance wooden materials. In the Technical center at the company's headquarters in Creuzburg, the world’s first beech veneer plywood (BauBuche) is further optimized by its own research team; there are also research collaborations with various colleges and universities.

In addition to water and sunlight, all green plants also need carbon dioxide (CO2). They extract large quantities of this gas from the atmosphere during the day, store the carbon in their plant mass and release the oxygen that is so important to us. CO2 is a so-called greenhouse gas and is to a large extent responsible for climate change.

It is therefore logical to use wood in large dimensions as a building material: The greenhouse gas remains bound in the wood products, at the same time new wood grows in the forest on the released area. Unlike the (only “CO2 neutral”) use as firewood, the CO2 remains withdrawn from the atmosphere for the entire lifespan of the wood product. In addition, other building materials are replaced that are significantly more harmful to the climate, both in their manufacture and in their disposal.

Transparency determines the atmosphere in the new Technical center: The design department, conference rooms, workshops and laboratories open up to the adjacent company-owned landscape park on a small river. The inviting character of the building encourages communication between employees and visitors and forms an important connection point on the company site between the administration and production building.

The pavilion-like building shows the subject of research directly in application: All load-bearing walls – as a frame, solid and rib construction – consist of BauBuche. The roof structure is also composed of a folded construction made of BauBuche. The folding of the roof structure visible in the interior results from a special geometric division of the construction panel and shapes the appearance of the building. Visitors and employees experience the performance of the new material on site every day.

to overview