Martin Seelinger

After graduating in architecture at the Technical University Darmstadt and the Università degli Studi di Firenze, freelance work as an architect in his own office since 1992.

1995–98 Research assistant at the Faculty of Architecture at the Technical University Darmstadt – Department of Design and Building Science, Prof. Andreas Brandt.

1998 Appointment to the BDA – Association of German Architects

1999–2004 Member of the Appeals Committee of the BDA Darmstadt-Starkenburg

since 2002 Partner in Cornelsen+Seelinger Architects

2004–2006 Member of the BDA Board of Darmstadt-Starkenburg

since 2012 Member of the Board and Treasurer of the Society of Friends of the German Architecture Museum, Frankfurt

from 2019 +Seelinger Architekten+Ingenieure

Our way of working

+Seelinger Architekten+Ingenieure is an international networked planning team for architecture, urban planning and design.
From our central location in Darmstadt, we carry out projects in the entire spectrum of architecture – from development studies to integrated design concepts that include the outside as well as the interior and furniture.
The production of high-quality architecture is an integral process, which is developed through intensive teamwork in our network of architects, structural engineers and energy system partners and engineers.
We are convinced that only such a comprehensive approach, the integration of logistical, cultural, social and economic aspects, enables substantial sustainability. This is the only way to meet the challenge posed by global climate change and to find answers to pressing current questions such as creating affordable living space or the necessary optimization of construction processes.

Our portfolio of concepts and buildings constructed includes urban planning, residential buildings, educational and cultural buildings, office buildings, traffic, infrastructure and health buildings as well as logistics and production buildings.

We work together constantly with numerous clients.


Since the start of self-employment, a wide range of urban planning, residential buildings, educational and cultural buildings to office buildings, logistics and production buildings.

For several years now, also integral research projects in cooperation with various universities and specialist planning offices with a focus on energy + architecture.

The focus of the innovation projects is the integration of energy efficiency in architecturally sophisticated buildings and the further development of material systems with a CO2 neutral background.

Memberships Martin Seelinger

BDA – Bund Deutscher Architekten

GACCNY – German American Chamber of Commerce, New York

We support

Darmstädter Architektursommer e.V.

Storefront for Art and Architecture, New York

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11-2019 Pecha Kucha Night TU Darmstadt – Deutsches Architekturmuseum | 10-2019 Architekten- und Stadtplanerkammer Hessen, Wiesbaden, ‚Innovation und Baukultur im Holzbau‘ | 09-2018 Hochschule Rhein-Main, Wiesbaden, ‚Holzbau in Hessen‘: ‚Urbanes Bauen: Aufstockungen und Mehrgeschossbau in Hessens Ballungszentren‘ | 03-2017 Universität Kassel – Science Center‚Klima + Material, hybride Materialien‘ | 11-2016 Deutscher Bundestag, Berlin ‚Potenzial Holzbau‘ | 09-2016 Universität Dresden ‚Erste Erfahrungen mit BauBuche‘ |


06-2016 The German House – Symposium ,Smart Cities‘, New York USA | 06-2016 Beuth Hochschule für Technik, Berlin, ‚Summer Academy‘ | 06-2015 MIT Department of Architecture –Symposium ,Smart Buildings’ Cambridge USA | 12-2014 The German House – Symposium ,Smart Cities’, New York USA | 06-2014 Summer Academy Berlin | 06-2013 Summer Academy Berlin |


05-2013 StudioX Mumbai/ Columbia University GSAPP, Mumbai IND | 07-2012 Urbact (EU) Paris 2012, Paris F | 06-2012 Summer Academy Berlin 2012 TFH Berlin | 03-2012 Jade Hochschule Oldenburg | 09-2010 Sommerakademie AdK Dresden, Dresden | 06-2010 Summer Academy Berlin | 12-2009 Beuth Hochschule für Technik, Berlin | 11-2009 ENBW Karlsruhe |


04-2008 Ordine degli Architetti, Milano I | 12-2007 Deutsch-Niederländische Handelskammer, Den Haag NL |


10-2007 Santiago de Chile, AHK/ Camchal | 05-2004 DAM Frankfurt: Symposium ‚form follows …‘ | 05-2004 Conference Urban regeneration of polish cities‘: 'Sustainable Architecture’, Poznan PL | 05-2004 Universität Wuppertal ‚Nicht lineare Prozesse – was steckt eigentlich dahinter?‘ | 05-2004 Weinheim ‚Ästhetik und Nachhaltigkeit‘ | 11-2003 FH Giessen ‚Gebautes, Ungebautes und Unbaubares‘ | 07-2003 SolarBau-Workshop TU Braunschweig | 06-2003 FH Nürnberg Projekt Pollmeier | 04-2003 SolarBau-Workshop Creuzburg 11-2002 |1999 DAZ Berlin Projekt Landesvertretung Niedersachsen/ Schleswig-Holstein |


Mitarbeit an den gezeigten Projekten (ab 1996):

Christiane Axer / Gerd Begemann / Peter Begon / Martin Benner / Jan Briese / Jochen Büschl / Tung Bui / Thomas Busse / Andrea Calderone / Alexander Crook / Sara Cruz / Martin Davidson / Steffen Dieck / Nora Dold / Sebastian Duffner / Iris Elsenheimer / Ronald Faust / Sandra Fleischmann / Eva Franke / Björn Gabriel / Clarissa Gostomzyk / Kader Güney / Daniel Güth / Carolin Hartmann / Anjuscha K. Helbig / Anna Henzler / Cornelia Hiemann / Wolfgang Hinkfoth / Ann-Kathrin Hochgrebe / Stephan Holtz / Judith Kaluza / Anna Kaydanovskaya / Patrick Kiefer / Tanja Klippert / Regina Kolianovska / Jens Konrad / Tomislav Kovacevic / Thomas Kubenek / Miriam Lebok / Stefan Mayer / Bettina Menzel / Guido Mrziglod / Cornelia Müller / Paul Ndi Ndi / George Papa / Vanessa Rosbach / Katja Rieger / Tobias Riemenschneider / Clara Schiepe / Burkhard Schol / Frank Scholl / Jörg Sebastiani / Runyu Song / Ramona Sonntag / Fabian Swaton / Neeltje Tops / Michael Tschürtz / Adeli Usselmann / Ragunath Vasudevan / Kathrin Velte / Nadja Villwock / Robert Weiss / Matthias Welp / Tobias Willers / Silvia Wüst / Wei Xu / Yang Zhao / Yi Zhong / Stefanie Ziegler / Hannah Zimmermann

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